About Proteus
Biodiversity is in decline. Over half the world’s GDP is potentially at risk due to moderate or high dependence of business on biodiversity and ecosystem services. More than ever, we need partnerships to address biodiversity challenges.
Proteus was initiated in 2003 as a unique collaboration to provide companies with the biodiversity information needed for better informed decisions, and to support the development, improvement and dissemination of global biodiversity data and information. From five founding member companies in 2003, Proteus has since helped over 20 companies with the implementation of their biodiversity strategies and invested over £12 million in conservation data and approaches.
Proteus was created in response to a need for better data to inform better decisions. Over time, the scope of the Partnership has grown to place that data in the context of business decisions, and to place those decisions in the context of global momentum to address the biodiversity crisis and achieve a nature-positive energy transition. The imperative to address biodiversity, climate and societal goals in cohesion shapes the future of work to be carried out through Proteus.
Goals of Proteus
The goals of Proteus 2021-2025 are designed to align with the expected Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, support delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals and help companies contribute to the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
Help companies recognise their responsibilities for nature and communicate the business case for its management.
Accelerate and scale decision support tools and capacity building to help improve corporate performance.
Strengthen and increase progressive business engagement in the global policy agenda on nature.
Sustain a viable mutually beneficial Partnership through cross-sectoral collaboration.
Benefits of Proteus
Being part of Proteus will help companies as they transform their relationship with biodiversity. It will also contribute to global efforts to safeguard biodiversity and tackle environmental challenges. Proteus will help companies address biodiversity-related risks, and to understand and manage their impacts and dependencies on biodiversity through:
- Access to unparalleled data and tools
- Data analytics services
- Access to the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT)
- Global biodiversity policy insights
- Expert training and support
- Webinars and technical briefs
- Access to a cross-sector forum of leading companies
Governance and Participation in Proteus
Proteus is a voluntary collaboration between businesses and UNEP-WCMC underpinned by the UNEP principles for private sector engagement. The Partnership is administered through agreements between WCMC and each company. Participating companies subscribe through an annual fee, which collectively finance the work-plan of Proteus. Proteus companies have invested more than £12 million since the partnership’s inception and enabled significant leverage funds from external sources to multiply the impact of the work.